,,The most powerful thing in life is our thinking, which has ability to change any situation."
„What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.“
„It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.“
„Life is too ironic. It takes sadness to know what is happiness is , noise to appreciate silence, and absence to value presence.‘‘
,,Be the type of person that not only turns heads, but turns souls as well.‘‘
,,It’s your road and yours alone. Others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.‘‘
,,Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.‘‘
,,Thinking: the talking of the soul with itself.‘‘
,,Stay positive! The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude.‘‘
,,In life, you don’t get what you wish for, you get what you work for.‘‘